ChromeVox Lesson 1.1: Intro to ChromeVox

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Let's keep this party rolling! Navigating by Words and Letters.

Okay, so let's talk about what we've learned thus far.

  • We have learned how to navigate by line.
  • We have learned how to navigate by object.
  • We have learned how to navigate by item.


To navigate to the next word, you will press search key + control + shift + right arrow.

Try It: Can you identify the fourth word in the sentence below?

I get enough exercise pushing my luck.

What word did you find? Was it exercise? If not, navigate to the previous line and try again.

To navigate to the previous word, press search + control + shift + left arrow.

Try It: Read the sentence below. Can you identify the 2nd to last word?

The dirty dog decided to deliver donuts.

Did you find the 2nd to last word? Was it deliver? If not, go back and try again.


To navigate to the previous letter, press search + shift + left arrow. To navigate to the next letter, press search + shift + right arrow.

Try It: How many times do you find the letter x in the silly nonsense below?


Did you count x 6 times? If not, you may want to give it another whirl.

Hold Up!!!

I know what you are thinking. Navigating by word and letter involves a lot of fingers, and a lot of keys, and a lot of finger acrobatics!

Truth is, most of the time you will not need to navigate word by word or letter by letter. Most of the time, object or item will do the trick. And when you are inputting text, for instance like when you are creating an email, writing in a Google Doc or creating a slides presentation, the command changes.

Brain Break

Let's press pause on the learning and try a silly riddle.

I follow you all the time and copy your every move, but you can't touch me or catch me. What am I?


Your shadow

The sun