Mac VoiceOver Lesson List

Welcome to the VoiceOver for Mac Lesson List

Please explore the lesson list to see where you would like to go next.

Mac VoiceOver Lesson List

Lesson 1, Getting Ready

Lesson 2, The Keyboard

Lesson 3, The Desktop

Lesson 4, The Dock

Lesson 5, The Menu Bar

Lesson 6, The Finder

Lesson 7, The Notification Center

Lesson 8, Mission Control

Lesson 9, SIRI

Lesson 10, The VoiceOver Rotor

Lesson 11, Reading and Editing Text

Lesson 12, Quick Nav

Lesson 13, Form Controls

Lesson 14, VoiceOver Utility

Lesson 15, The Keyboard Commander

Lesson 16, The Trackpad Commander

Lesson 17, The NumPad Commander

Lesson 18, The Refreshable Braille Display

When in doubt, start at the beginning, click the Keyboard link.

Lesson 1, The Keyboard