ChromeVox Lesson 7: Proofreading and Editing Text

Editing and Proofreading Text

The time has finally come for us to discuss text editing and its associated commands.

Recall back to lesson 1 when I mentioned that keyboard commands in text edit fields are different than when navigating a web page. There is significantly less finger acrobatics.

Take note of the following commands.

  • To navigate to the next line, press the down arrow.
  • To navigate to the previous line, press the up arrow.
  • To navigate to the next character, press the right arrow.
  • To navigate to the previous character, press the left arrow.
  • To navigate to the next word, press the control key + the right arrow.
  • To navigate to the previous word, press the control key + the left arrow.

We can put these keystrokes to good use when proofreading and editing our work . Consider the following situations.

First, if we have misspelled a word, we will need to navigate word by word to first place the ChromeVox focus on that word, then we will need to navigate character by character to find the incorrect letter(s) and delete.

Second, we may be reviewing our work by carefully listening to the text as we navigate line by line using our down arrow. When we hear a mistake, we can navigate to the word or words by pressing the control button plus left or right arrow. And lastly, we can navigate using the left or right arrow to place our cursor behind the letter or letters we wish to correct.

Let's Give it a Try

I was sleepy last night when I wrote the following sentences. I am hopeful you can help me out.

To navigate to my text edit field, press search + e and press enter. Then, you will navigate by word to read my sentence. Refer to the above commands.

WARNING: If you accidentally alter the text in my edit fields, please refresh the page by either pressing the "refresh button" in the top row of your keyboard or by pressing control + r, and my sloppy incorrect original text will repopulate.

Pop Quiz

What's the correct spelling of the misspelled word in the sentence above?

Answer A

Answer B

Answer C