JAWS Lesson 1.1: Intro to JAWS Continued

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The better question is how high do you think a clever cat can count? Hmmmmm

Navigation Continued

A Quick Review

We've used our up and down arrows to navigate to the previous and next line. We've used our left and right arrows to navigate to the previous and next character. We've added in the control key to our left and right arrows to navigate to the previous and next word.

What's Next?

Paragraphs! How do you think we read paragraph by paragraph?

Ding, ding, ding! You got it. That pesky control button again! At least, I know you would have gotten there eventually.

We use control + down arrow to read the next paragraph, and control + up arrow to read the previous paragraph.


Read the following short story by using control + down arrow to navigate paragraph by paragraph. When you've reached the end of the story, try navigating to the beginning by using control + up arrow.

Story 1

I have a cat named Manny, and he eats all day. He always lays around, and never wants to play.

Not even with a squeaky toy. Nor anything that moves. When I have him exercise, he always disapproves.

So we've put him on a diet, but now he yells all day. And even though he's thinner, he still won't come and play.

Say All

One last reading strategy we have to discuss. JAWS has a "say all" feature. If you press the JAWS key (either insert or caps lock depending on your keyboard layout) plus the down arrow, JAWS will read continuously beginning with the current location of your JAWS cursor, or beginning with the last item you heard. This can be done in a document, a web page, basically any application window.

To pause speech, just simply press the control button once. To resume reading, use the "say all" command again

There is another practice section below. This time press your JAWS key plus down arrow to read the entire story at once.

Story 2

"I made myself a snowball, as perfect as could be. I thought I'd keep it as a pet and let it sleep with me.

I made it some pajamas, and a pillow for its head.

Then last night it ran away, but first it wet the bed."
--by Shel Silverstein--

Top and Bottom of Window

To navigate to the top of any application window (i.e. web page, word document, email, etc.) press control plus the home key. To navigate to the end, press control + end. If you navigate to the top of this page by pressing control + home, and then use the say all command (JAWS key + down arrow), you can hear the entire contents of this page read continuously, start to finish.

Try it now! If you navigate to the top of this page, you should hear JAWS say "JAWS lesson 1 Cont." If you navigate to the bottom, you will hear JAWS say "copyright 2023..." To navigate back to this location, you can use the strategy of navigating by paragraphs (control + up or down arrow), or line by line (up/down arrow).

Navigation Cheat Sheet

  • Navigate to previous or next character: left or right arrow
  • Navigate to previous or next word: control + left or right arrow
  • Navigate to previous or next line: up or down arrow
  • Navigate to previous or next paragraph: control + up or down arrow
  • Navigate to top of window: control + home
  • Navigate to bottom of window: control + end


Read the instructions very carefully! We are looking for another silly secret phrase, but to find each component you need to correctly follow each direction. Once you find one component, move onto the next. Keep track of your answers. I know you can do it!

Step 1: find the third word in the sentence.

This is my favorite part.

Step 2: Move line by line. Find the word on the 4th line.

  • Puppies
  • Cats
  • Pizza
  • Mom

Step 3: Find the 2nd word in this sentence.

She is my friend.

Step 4: Find the 4th letter in this word.


Step 5: Lastly, Find the only word in the 2nd paragraph.

There are so many animals in the world. There are even animals that do not exist anymore. Can you think of any animals that no longer exist?


Exactly! Yes, dinosaurs lived millions of years ago, and the only way we can see them now is at the museum.


Favorite puppies friend a Exactly.

Is pizza my e animals.

My mom is a dinosaur