Instructions: Hey friends! Ready to practice your proofreading and editing skills? Great! We are going to play around with unscrambling words and famous catch phrases. You'll need to navigate by letter, word, and maybe even by line. Good luck!
Question 1: What is the correct spelling of the word in parentheses in the following sentence.
"I had a (1derfol) time at the concert last night."
Hmmm, not sure if that is correct.
Question 2: What is the correct spelling of the words in parentheses in the following sentence.
"Yesterday they (surved) grilled (chis) and tomato soup in the cafateria."
Hmmm, not sure if I agree. Try again.
Question 3: Okay, I've been going easy on you. This time you need to pick the correct order of the words in parentheses.
"Take (out to the me) ball game"
Um, not sure about that choice. Want to try again?
Question 4: Another word scramble coming your way! Find the words in parentheses. Select the correct order from the choices below.
"Mom's list of chores was so long, she would be (a bee as busy as) all day."
Hmmm, why don't you try again.
Question 5: I've got a challenge. Pick the missing word that fits the following sentence. Be sure to select the correct associated punctuation as well.
"We need to bring a towel, hat, (_____) and sunglasses to the beach."
I don't know about that answer. Let's do that again.
Question 6: Another issue of missing words and punctuation.
"Would you like me to grab anything (____) the store for you(_) "
I don't know about that answer. Let's do that again.
Question 7: Last question! So obviously I am going to challenge you to the max. This time, you are going to read the sentence and select the answer that corrects all 3 errors/blanks in parentheses.
"My sister can play the piano, (____), and drums; isn't (seh) musicly talented(_)"
This one is tricky. Why don't you give it another shot.