The library has rows and rows of bookcases. If you weren't so worried about being stranded in a haunted mansion, you might sit down to read a book or two.
A small lamp flickers on and off in the corner.
Looking out of the window, you start to wonder how long you’ve been in here. It looks pretty late now.
You are dreaming of snuggling in bed with a cup of hot cocoa.
You search the cupboards for a key to the front door, but then you spot it. A phone!
You grab the receiver and hold it to your ear.
No! It's dead! But how? The lamp is working...Sort of.
Feeling defeated you spot your way to freedom. The open door to the garden, surely you can get out that way.
But, you could always take the staircase upstairs right outside the library doors? Maybe there's a working phone up there.